There were only three in my account, and each one had a maximum limit of 10 SBs. You can click on the card for each offer to read the requirements, like if you have to pay or get to a certain level to earn your SBs. As Canadian, I have fewer opportunities than a US resident, however, I can get a $100 Amazon gift card for 7000 SB, so I could say that I made $1,100 in Amazon gift cards in 3 and a half years. During this time, I earned 80499 SB; I usually get $100 Amazon gift cards - the best way is to get them in $100 increments. But then the best monsters are the most repulsive ones. I earned from other apps, but this is by far the best one I received so far. For example, LSG Sky Chefs is one of the catering contractors at Denver International Airport.