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Messages - IvyI380582

Pages: [1]
Glue cut edges when the pencil tip hat is the correct size. Paint the tip black for pencil lead, and paint the remainder light tan. Mount each self-adhesive utility light to a yellow plastic jar lid and hot-glue to the front of car for headlights. Spray-paint this area light brown for the eraser; spray-paint remaining area yellow. To make hat brim, cut a 14-inch yellow felt circle, and cut a 61/4-inch opening in center. To make armholes, lay pencil flat with closure in center back. Let dry. Glue it to center front of drawer. Stick hook-and-loop tape inside front and back of pencil over marks. Roll the cardboard into a tighter tube (until there's a double layer of cardboard all the way around), and wrap the tube in duct tape. To make the antenna, roll black craft foam into a tube and hot glue it in place. To make ankle ruffles, repeat instructions for sleeve cuffs, but cut two 20x7-inch pieces of white felt for each cuff. Cut two 12-inch strips of black elastic and four 2-inch pieces of hook-and-loop tape. Slip a 12-inch piece of yarn between cardboard and yarn along short side of cardboard, and tie yarn tightly.

Corrugated box - PABRIK KARDUS

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